Sunday, November 30, 2008

The outcome

Well, I got a lot done, but my BIL didn't end up coming over for Thanksgiving, and I couldn't get everything done, sadly, but it didn't matter. It was just us for lunch and I did a turkey et al. Then we went to my parents for a dinner and more turkey. Many of my aunts and uncles and cousins were there, and we have a huge family, so there was much variety in food and people. So it was fun. What a bunch of partiers. We left at 10 and many were still hanging out.

So I didn't shop on Friday at all. There was nothing compelling me to get up early, so I slept in. I've had a busy weekend though with a basketball tournament for Nick and then soccer for the twins today. Nick lost every. single. game. It was very sad. They were in the top bracket though in the tournament and I've been assured that the team does well in the regular season. I sure hope so. FTR, Nick is extremely tall, 5'11' at the age of 12. He's the tallest child in his grade in the district I've been told. So of course the powers that be are interested in him for basketball. Up until this year, he'd never played in a competitive league. I got to thinking and realized that we needed to get him and his brothers better training, so Nick made a select team in the local league and the twins are on a rec team (we missed tryouts and Nick only got on because of his height.) The good news is that the twins won their indoor game. They are the number one and number two goalies. Figures, doesn't it? So tonight I had the priveledge of listening to my twins talk trash with each other about their supposed mistakes at goalie. Nothing like brotherly love.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas/Thanksgiving plan

This week I'll focus on Thanksgiving. Today I plan to straighten the downstairs. Tommorrow the upstairs. Then Wednesday we will clean and grocery shop. Thursday AM will be all cooking. Christmas planning will start Thursday.

I have many other things to do this week, so this will be a challenge.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Well, my husband got a new job. He knew about a week ago, but finally received the "official" offer yesterday. We're thrilled that it happened so quickly. I was prepared for 6 months minimum of unemployment. It was really only 2 months, but he wont't start for couple weeks, so almost 3 months total. And he'll be in a new industry, which he's had trouble doing, switching to a different type of sales.

The kids are all doing well. My youngest has been a holy terror. I'm trying to be more consistent with discipline with him. He's been extremely spoiled unfortunately, being the baby at all. He won't even dress himself! At 4 1/4! Then he won't let anyone but me dress him either. Ugh. It's getting old.

I started back on my diet as well. I went to TOPS last week and that is providing the motivation that I need. I just can't do it myself and I can't see how I ever will. But that's okay I guess, I'll be a TOPS member for life apparently. At least it works.

That's all for now!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


There's not much new. Hubby is still job hunting. He has a second interview tommorrow and then another second on Friday (first was 2 phone interviews, but I count it since it lasted an hour.) Anyway, here's praying that one of them (or both!) leads to an offer. They both sound like good jobs.

I did find out that my BIL was laid off today. He's also in sales. Then dh told me how much we've lost in the stock market this year. Wow is all I can say. I sure hope next year is better.

The kids and I went with my friend Susan and her 3 kids to the zoo yesterday. They get so excited over the animals! It's very cute. They like going more now than when they were little. I suppose it's because they can read and learn about them now more. My little one just loves seeing animals period. It sure was hot though, luckily it looked liked rain most of the time so we were okay, but eventually it cleared up and it was hot. We left soon after.

At the exit there's always a panhandler. This guy was pitiful looking, he looked very mentally ill. The kids told me he was shaking, so I was explaining the delerium tremors to them (dt's.) I presume that was what was going on with the guy. This lead to one of my kids telling me that his friends dad is also an alcoholic. He was recent in a horrible motorcycle accident and is lucky to be alive and mobile. But he has lost a lot of his sight and can't drive, although he can now see well enough to work in the store he owns (cell phone sales.) At first his wife was running the store. So he's lucky, but still, it's a huge change in his life. My insightful son Chris said "He's probably depressed." Pretty deep for a 10 yo, but I agree. I guess he sits on the couch and drinks beer all day after work. And apparently they've hid the booze and he bicycles to the store to get more. They've gone to stay with grandma at times. It sounds pretty serious and I feel awful for the family. I know his mom, but not well enough to bring up the issue. I sure hope they get some help. But hey, it does put our unemployment problems into perspective, at least it will pass someday.

Friday, July 25, 2008

My first post

I'm boysmom, and I'm posting my first post on my brand new blog. I don't know if it will be good, but it will be something, which is better than my current (non-existent) journal. I'm a mom, as you can tell, and to boys, as you can also tell. I have 4 of them total. The oldest is 12, the twins are 10, and the baby is 4. And, no, he wasn't an accident, and also no, I wasn't trying for a girl (I'd have been nuts to think that that would happen.)

Anyway, I stay home with the boys and it's crazy here most of the time. My dh is a sales rep, currently in between jobs, sadly. But luckily we are okay financially even with that, still doesn't make it fun having him here aaaaaaaallllll the time, if you KWIM. Not to mention, health insurance, ha ha ha ha ha, don't even get me started there. I liked the bumper sticker "The USA's national health plan: don't get sick." Oh boy, is that ever accurate.

I homeschool some of the guys, this year one twin and the 4 yo. And that makes it even crazier, not sanity break for me! As you can tell, I'm pretty dedicated to my children, but at times I wish I weren't! I can't change though, I love being a mom and am lucky to have my children.