I should start a new blog, but this one is still here, the old posts are interesting. Times sure have changed. My older 3 are grown, my youngest will be a senior in high school. I had a career as a speech language pathologist, which I loved. I had to go out on disability though due to my cancer diagnosis. I'll start with a short summary of how that all came about
In 2019 I had symptoms, rectal bleeding. Gross, yes. Took me a couple months, but when my hemoglobin showed up as crazy low, I got to the doctor. I got a Colonoscopy ("only" 3 years late, I was 53) and voila, that day got diagnosed with colon cancer, stage 3c, that's FIVE lymph nodes positive. It had not spread beyond nodes, or at least so they could tell.
I had surgery to removed it and then started chemotherapy, they call it "clean up" or "adjuvant" designed to prevent a recurrence. I also did chemo-radiation to prevent local recurrence. It was not a fun process. I finished in November, 2019 and in January was pronounced "cancer free." We celebrated by going on a five day trip to Disney World!
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