Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Laundry and more laundry

Well, the time has come to fold the mountains that have accumulated. I finally found a DVD to watch (Mama Mia.) My laundry room just doesn't have the storage I need so I really should keep up with it better. Not to mention, it gets wrinkled! I always have big plans to fold more quickly and they only sometimes occur. Wouldn't it be nice if instead I could go get a massage, meet a friend for lunch, workout, anything? Kind of pathetic really. But I enjoy getting the house in order, so I don't mind too much. I did go to lunch, Bee's Buffet, I've been wanting to eat at a Chinese buffet lately, so there you go!

1 comment:

Sister in Christ said...

How can you watch such a sinful movie? The mother is promiscuious and the daughter has no protective father and wants to live in sin. Why Hollywood cannot make movies that show a glorious union of one man and one woman in holy matrimony is beyond me. They'll spend millions to make movies about wars and monsters but no money for a lovely, heartfelt courtship love story. How sad is the world!